Rugby 101

IntroductionTo Rugby

Introduction to Rugby
Rugby is a dynamic and exhilarating sport that combines physicality, skill, and teamwork. It’s played worldwide and known for its fast-paced action and passionate fan base. Whether you’re new to the sport or looking to deepen your understanding, this Rugby 101 guide will walk you through the basics.

Overview of the Game

The primary objective in rugby is to score points by carrying, passing, and kicking the ball to the opponent’s in-goal area or by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goal posts.


  • Each team has 15 players on the field, divided into forwards and backs.
  • Forwards (8 players): Generally larger and more powerful, they excel in scrums, lineouts, and close-contact play.
  • Backs (7 players): Typically faster and more agile, they focus on running, passing, and scoring tries
  • Only get 8 subs a game, once you sub out you cant go back in(except for front row)

Basic Gameplay Elements:


  • Try: Worth 5 points, scored by grounding the ball in the opponent’s in-goal area.
  • Conversion: After a try, teams have the chance to kick for an additional 2 points.
  • Penalty Goal/Drop Goal: Worth 3 points, scored by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goal posts during play (drop goal) or after a penalty (penalty goal).


  • The ball can be passed backward or laterally (but not forward) between teammates’ hands.


  • A player in possession of the ball can be tackled by an opponent, aiming to bring them to the ground to stop their progress.

Set Pieces:

  • Scrums: Used to restart play after certain infringements. Eight players from each team bind together and contest for the ball.
  • Lineouts: Used to restart play after the ball goes out of bounds. Players from both teams compete for a lifted ball thrown in from touch.
Former Ute Jason Pye representing USA v Scotland
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